Monday, September 24, 2007

This is why I'm always cleaning my room...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Scared? Maybe?

In Taylor's library (11th floor)...approximately 6-7pm..
I was browsing through a few books among the shelves...
Then I felt the shelves shook a little, I thought to myself "must be I giddy-giddy, dont care la ."
Few minutes later, a girl came towards me...

Girl: Hey girl , excuse me, can I borrow your quota to borrow books please, as mine is full?

Me: (looked at her)Erm erm, actually I need to use them all to borrow books for my friend.hee..

Girl: Oh ok..

Me: How many books do you need to borrow?

Girl: 2

Me: Erm erm... Sorry but I need to....

Girl: (look at me shockingly) Did you feel like the building is shaking?

Me: Erm... is it? (paused a while & tried to feel whether was the building shaking)

Librarian:(from the library counter) EVERYBODY PLEASE GET OUT OF THE LIBRARY NOW!

Both: (looked at each other stunned)

In seconds:


...not even 3...

Both: (Put down our books and hurried out of the library and headed to G floor)

On the same day at night, I read this:

Alert on possible tsunami after 8.2 magnitude quake (Updated)

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Meteorological Department has advised people in the northern states of Perlis, Kedah, Perak and Penang to move away from beaches as a safety precaution against a possible tsunami in the wake of a powerful earthquake that struck off Sumatra, Indonesia at 7.10pm. For more: The Star

Oh if you still didn't get it,I think the earthquake caused the little shake.

*scary though*

Sunday, September 2, 2007

27th August 2007 - 2nd September 2007

27/8, Monday
i. College
ii. Swim in Holiday Villa
iii. Taipan Kopitiam yum cha with Adam
28/8, Tuesday
i. College
ii. Went to Shwe's place to prepare her pressies. Then surprised Shwe in "LaLa Cheong"(however it's spelled). Went back to her place to eat dinner/supper.

Happy Birthday, Shwe!!!
love love love your goblok-ness =)
29/8, Wednesday
i. College
30/8, Thursday
i. College
ii. Swim in Holiday Villa
iii. Eric fetch to Las Jar etas to meet up with the rest. Then went to The Curve with Mel, Val, Ping, Kit, Eric, Shwe & Ai-Lynn. After celebrating with the "sweatie people", headed to The Teh Tarik Place to quench our thirst. Reached home about 3.30am.
31/8, Friday
i. Happy MERDEKA!
ii. Went to packed Pyramid with Loutau Jimmeat to eat Baskin Robins in McD (his idea =P).
iii. Went to Summit to change Loutau's DVD.

1/9, Saturday
i. YF Outing.
Group pic:

Stuff that we did:

Warm up

Solve puzzles

Pour water into mangkuk using mangkuk

hop hop hop like monKIE =P

Write 1 to 10 and 10 back to CHINESE! han yi pin yin la....(however u call that)

Eating right next to horses (eeeww...)


Build house

wipe hingus with bread

Nola.... spread the butter with nose...yes NOSE....
.....and eat it....
eeewww...Chia Wei.... EWWW!!!(can someone educated her PLEASE? =P)


then bersantai, look at the permandangan indah...

...such as...

Betsy rowing the boat with her hands?? -.^?

last but not least: FEAST!

and the finale....FLY!!!

Thank you,
Jeremy, Adam, Kai Nie & Kai Chien for coming!

2/9, Sunday
i. Church
ii. Went to 1U
iii. Basin & towel
iv. Pasted "the lost dog" in USJ...but thank God now is found. Blessed Betsy.