Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Wrap up of YF Camp 2006

In every camp, I never fail to learn something. What more when this camp's sermons really refreshes me. The way Annette presents her sermon is full of activities which they never fail to teach us something.

TASK : Each person ties a balloon around their own ankle. The balloon "worth 1 million". And everyone is asked to collect guli-guli("worth 1000") where those guli-guli were scattered around with thumbtacks. while getting the guli-guli,everyone not only has to be careful not to burst their own balloon from the guli-guli, but also has to beware of the leaders going around bursting balloons.
LESSON: At the end, most people are only le
ft with many guli-guli in their hands but with the balloons mayat.
Lesson: We need to really take care of what is more important. While look for others to "add worth", take care of what you have that worth much more.


TASK:Each group were to produce sound or "music"in their own beat using stuff that they have(eg:wisel, spoons and forks, plate, bottles, and sort of things). All 4 different groups were to make the different beats continuously until all 4 groups are playing the same beat. it happens when one group play the loudest and eventually all the other groups will follow.

LESSON: Many kind of voices may pass through our ears such as disapproval, pain and hurts But there's only 1 voice that we should always listen to...the voice of the Father. Voices from God will never fail you. They will never bring you down.

TASK: Everyone must be brought across above a string(approx 2meter from the ground) without anything but with help of the hands of the campers.it might seemed impossible at first but...everyone(tall, short,fat, thin, big, small) was brought across..

Lesson Learnt: All you need to do is TRUST and DON'T STRUGGLE. God is the ONE that u can always trust although it seems impossible at times but with God, all things are possible. While carrying someone across, it's easier to carry someone heavy but does not struggle than to carry someone who is lighter but struggles. Therefore, no matter how much troubles you have or difficult situation you are in , do not struggle with God but lay EVERYTHING before Him and TRUST Him. God will definitely bring u through...much faster.

TASK: Clean a dirty cloth as clean as possible using Clorox and washing powder and washing skill withing an amount of time.

LESSON 1: It doesn't matter how much you try to wash away the dirt from the cloth, it will never be clean because of the kesan-kesan degil. Only God can wash away our "kesan-kesan degils".
LESSON 2: When washing the cloth, there are some hands which bled caused by the washing process. It's like how God washes our sins away. Each time God washes away our sins, it hurts but He did it because He loves us.

TASK: Glue all the broken pieces of a ceramic plate back to it's original shape.

LESSON: No matter how much you try to glue all the broken pieces back into it's original shape, you can never get back the exact same plate. The plates are like our hearts. Although they are broken, and God can be heal them, but it will never be the same again(they are harder to break).(try throwing a broken plate that are glued together to the floor, the spot that was glued will never break again)

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